TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain

Article No.: 01CEL271
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TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain
TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain
TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain
TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain
TL-180-13M-230V/B, 180pcs 4mm bulb (blue light), 13 meter, 230V, with 8 program controller, indoor light chain
Article No.: 01CEL271
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In stock 
5.16 € + VAT (6.55 €) Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 3.33 € + VAT (4.23 €)
Duration of sale: Begin: 05/12/2019  -  While stocks last!
- for indoor use only.
- with green cable
12 -month

A termékek egymás után fűzhetőek

Number of bulbs

Meghatározza hány izzó található az adott terméken

180 pcs