
Company name / Name
Kaito-Hungary Kft.
Raktárváros, Pf.: 66, Törökbálint, 2046, Hungary
Opening hours
Monday:08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday:08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday:08:00 - 16:30
Thursday:08:00 - 16:30
Friday:08:00 - 15:30
Phone number
Fax number
Shop name
Tax number
Company registration number
Contact person name
Kaito-Hungary Kft.
Contact person´s phone number
Contact person´s e-mail address
The minimum order amount is
Gross 12.45 €
Shipping methods
By GLS to EU country (outside Hungary)
The following delivery condition is valid if you do not have a discount,and it is valid for small and valuable goods including LED bulb and energy saving bulb. For other goods, extra delivery cost may be added.

VAT (Value Added Tax) will not be charged if your company has a valid EU VAT number.

Minimum ordering amount: EUR40 net.
Order total
Shipping cost
34.85  €
385.84  €
13.69 €
385.85  €
With GLS Parcel Service (In Hungary)

The following rate holds true only if you don’t have a discount in your order.

*The GLS parcel allowed to be maximum 30kg.

*If you place your order until 12 am and we have the goods in stock, we can deliver it to you at the next workday.

GLS is usually carrying at the working ours (8-17h) so it is recommended to give your intraday
location (workplace for example) as delivery adress.

Order total
Shipping cost
12.45  €
49.78  €
3.16 €
49.79  €
GLS ParcelShops
There are hundreds of GLS ParcelShops in Hungary. They are integrated into existing shops and
businesses of all kinds. The GLS ParcelShops mostly opened between 10.00 and 20.00 am, but many
of them can be used earlier. Both companies and private persons can use this service.
Order total
Shipping cost
12.45  €
49.78  €
3.16 €
49.79  €
Order total
Shipping cost
0  €
7.44 €
Payment methods
Bank Transfer in advance.
We will send the proforma invoice by email, based on which you can make payment by bank transfer. After the receipt of transfer, we will deliver the goods.
Credit card payment within EU [EUR]
In the case of this payment method, we redirect the customer to the eCommerce system of CIB Bank. There you can use your credit card to settle the bill. In all cases, you must provide your credit card details on the bank's website, so that they do not reach the merchant under any circumstances.
Accepted credit cards: Visa (also some Electron cards), MasterCard, Internet Cards.
EXCLUSIVELY to a foreign EU country.
Send an email to owner of the Webshop
Email address
Phone number


Halogén izzókra 6 hónap, egyéb termékekre 12 hónap LED-es termékekre 24 hónap garanciát adunk az átvétel dátumától számítva (ez az idő eseteként hosszabb is lehet; lásd a termékleírást).

Jótállási jegyként a tőlünk kapott számlát használhatják, külön jótállási jegyet nem adunk.

A garanciát csak abban az esetben áll módunkban érvényesíteni, ha a terméket hiánytalanul küldi vissza. A garanciális igény nem érvényesíthető a nem rendeltetésszerű használatból eredő meghibásodásokra illetve sérülésekre. A garanciális ügyintézés további részleteire a PTK-ban, a 49/2003. (VII. 30.) GKM rendeletben , illetve a 151/2003 (IX. 22.) Korm. rendeletben foglaltak az irányadók.

Kollégáink bármilyen felmerülő kérdéssel kapcsolatban, szívesen állnak rendelkezésükre nyitvatartási időn belül!

Marketing és értékesítés:

Chen Songtao                                 Telefon: +36-23-511-468                 Fax: +36-23-511-461                        E-business:                                    Pénzügy:                           Lou Dan Telefon: +36-23-511-468                  Telefon: +36-23-511-473 Fax: +36-23-511-461                        Fax: +36-23-511-461

Logisztika:                                     Projekt tervezés:

Miklós Gábor                                     Popovics Lőrinc Telefon: +36-23-511-462                  Telefon: 06-23-511-464 Fax: +36-23-511-461                        Fax: +36-23-511-461